Lifespan Integration Trainings

Trainings Overview

Lifespan Integration trainings are for mental health professionals.

Each level of LI training includes a comprehensive manual with information and instructions about how to use the protocols learned at that level. In addition, because we believe that therapists need to experience LI in order to fully understand how it works, each level of training includes three supervised practicums. These practices give participants the opportunity to practice and experience the LI protocols being learned from three perspectives: therapist, client, and observer.

After completing Levels One and Two, therapists will understand the core concepts of LI and will be able to use LI therapy with many of their clients. After completion of Level Two, therapists are eligible to be listed in our Online Directory as trained LI therapists.

Level One

Level one Lifespan Integration training

Level One LI introduces participants to the basics of Lifespan Integration including:

  • The LI Timeline,
  • The importance of the LI therapist’s attunement,
  • How to maintain clients in their WOTs by varying the speed through the Timeline and number of cues read, and
  • Four basic LI protocols: The LI Baseline protocol, the LI PTSD protocol, the LI Relationship protocol, and a simple trauma clearing protocol called Timeline from Explicit Memory.

Level Two

Level two Lifespan Integration training

Level Two LI adds the following:

  • How to use LI Standard protocol and its variations to resolve specific traumas in the Timeline while meeting the previously unmet needs of younger ego states,
  • How to use variations of the LI Baseline protocol to increase the client’s capacity to move toward and to stay within their Window of Tolerance (WOT),
  • How to use variations of the LI Baseline protocol to engage the self-organizing capacities of the client’s self-system. This allows the client’s body-mind to sort through past events, re-wire itself, and release no longer needed survival strategies, and
  • More about how to assess individual clients and create LI treatment plans designed to increase each individual client’s neural integration and body-mind coherence.

Level Three

Level three Lifespan Integration training

Level Three LI Introduces:

  • How Attachment theory informs LI treatment planning in Stage II of LI therapy,
  • More about how to use Baseline protocol with the addition of a variety of Pluses which allow clients to shift away from embedded introjects and toward more authentic, healthy behaviors and cognitions,
  • LI Birth protocol, used to resolve known and unknown birth trauma,
  • LI Attunement protocol, used to give the client an energetic experience of existing within an attuned caregiving dyad, thereby building a more solid core self and meeting primary attachment needs, and
  • Continued individualized treatment planning – learning which protocols to use and in what order to best increase each client’s overall integration and coherence.

Level Four

Level four Lifespan Integration training

Level Four LI Includes:

  • LI Preverbal Attachment Repair, used to repair unmet attachment needs during the preverbal years of 0 to 3,
  • More about how to use Baseline protocol with the addition of a sorting process to initiate integration of dissociated items other than introjects, survival strategies and protectors,
  • LI Cell Being Protocol, used to resolve known and unknown in utero trauma and to deepen the connection to the essence of Self, and
  • Continued individualized treatment planning – learning which protocols to use and in what order to best increase each client’s overall integration and coherence.

Other Trainings

Other Lifespan Integration trainings

From time to time other specialist trainings are also available.