LI Therapist Categories and Roles

LI Trainers (Instructors) are experienced LI consultants who have been selected to teach Lifespan Integration. LI trainers are licensed to teach the four levels of LI training and approved supplemental trainings. They offer supervision on the implementation of Lifespan Integration therapy and sponsor therapists who are working toward LI certification and consultation status. Trainers are authorized to provide informational presentations about LI.

LI Consultants (Supervisors) are certified LI therapists who have continued studying and utilizing LI for a minimum of two years before applying to become consultants. LI Consultants offer group or individual consultation regarding clinical cases for the purpose of assisting consultees with LI treatment planning. Consultants can review with their consultees the concepts that were taught through the level of LI training which the consultee has completed, but they are not authorized to teach new material.

Certified LI therapists are LI therapists who have completed levels One through Four Lifespan Integration training and have continued to gain an in-depth understanding of Lifespan Integration therapy during the process of certification. Candidates for certification receive supervision from LI trainers and consultants while using LI with their clients. Candidates also experience their own personal LI therapy which enhances their overall coherence. Certified LI therapists are able to make individualized LI treatment plans for their clients and they understand how to most effectively use all LI protocols. Certified LI therapists are not authorized to offer consultation or supervision regarding LI therapy.

Trained LI therapists are mental health professionals who have completed, at a minimum, Lifespan Integration training Levels One and Two. After completing Levels One and Two, mental health professionals are equipped to use the basic LI protocols and are eligible to be listed in the therapist directory on the Lifespan Integration website.