Lifespan Integration Supervisor / Consultant

LI Consultants are Certified in LI before applying to become consultants. LI Consultants continue to be Certified LI therapists after gaining consultant status. Consultants need to maintain their certification in LI by meeting the requirements for renewal every two years.

LI Consultants offer group or individual consultation regarding clinical cases for the purpose of assisting consultees with LI treatment planning. Consultants can review with their consultees the concepts that were taught through the level of LI training which the consultee has completed. Consultants are not authorized to teach their consultees new material (concepts which are taught in a level of LI training higher than the level which the consultee has completed). If offering consultation groups, the consultant should specify what level of LI training is required to join each group.

Skills and competencies:

Lifespan Integration Supervisor/Consultants have met all the current requirements for certification in LI. In addition, LI Consultants have a deep understanding of the LI way of working, and have a minimum of two years experience (after LI certification) using all the LI protocols with their own clients.  LI Consultants competently advise LI therapists regarding which protocols to use at which stages of treatment. LI Consultants help their consultees to create comprehensive LI treatment plans, including those used in the most complex cases.  They maintain the professional requirements for their field of training in their country.

To apply for Supervisor / Consultant status please go here.